An Awakening In Our City

An Awakening In Our City

Our Northwest campus is in need of a refresh to be better equipped as the sending and resourcing location for all of our city. We’re also seeing incredible growth in the area surrounding our Northwest location, and we want to be ready to accommodate that growth. Updates needed include auditorium updates, improved lobby and gathering spaces, and upgrades to classrooms and office spaces.

Our church model is not necessarily about location expansion, but we do want to accommodate the people we’re already reaching so they can more easily grow in community, serve, and invite their friends, family, and coworkers. That happens best in proximity to where they live, work, and play. As we consider future campuses, we’re open to wherever God wants us to go next.

We’d also like to reduce some debt. We’re already within responsible ranges, but we’d still like to reduce debt to free up more resources for Kingdom work.


