DECEMBER 1, 2024 - FEBRUARY 28, 2025
We’re officially in the second year of our Awaken journey, and I continue to be in awe of what God is doing in and through our church, specifically through people like you.
This video shares some of the ways He has moved over the past few months, starting with our Shoulders of Saints message series that concluded with a midpoint Commitment Sunday. The Christmas season and the start of 2025 have ushered in new milestones and unique opportunities. As we head into the spring, I believe more than ever that now is the time to be awakened to what God is doing and step up in faith.
Thank you for the ways you’re partnering with us. You are standing on the legacy of those who have gone before you and making a massive impact. Let’s keep going! There’s more ground to take for the Kingdom.
- Aaron Brockett, Lead Pastor