Malachi's Story


“When I started going to Youth, I was scared at first, but after I opened up, I better adjusted and made friends. The Youth staff and my leaders worked so hard to make me feel welcome, which greatly impacted my relationship with God and made me feel at home. 

"Since attending Youth, I have grown in my relationship with God, and recently got baptized. I wouldn't have ever done that without the Youth team answering my questions and my leaders pouring into me. 

"Youth has created such a fun environment, and one of my favorite parts of Youth is playing nine-square with all my friends and leaders. I have met some amazing people and great friends through Midweek.

"Even when I stopped attending youth due to a dark part of my life, my leader, Jessie, continued to reach out and encourage me, ultimately leading to my return despite my hard circumstances. 

"Youth inspires me to open up to others and go out of my way to talk to people I normally wouldn't talk to at school. I would encourage others to try Youth with an open heart and mind."
