Psalm 16

Series: Summer In the Psalms | Week 4: Psalms 16-19

For the introduction to Summer in the Psalms and a detailed overview of the POST study method, refer to

Step 1: Pray and Prepare 


Invite the Holy Spirit into your time, asking Him to teach you and speak to your heart. Turn over anything that may be distracting you. 


Before starting the next step, take a few minutes to prepare. Read over the notes you have from previous weeks to refresh your memory on the Psalms. What stuck with you from Psalms 11-15? What questions do you still have from what we’ve read so far? 


Step 2: Observe 


Read Psalm 16 multiple times for comprehension. Write down what you observe and any questions that come up as you read. Refer to the POST study method guide linked above if you want a refresher on some of the observation methods you can use. 


Study Tip: Psalm 16 includes metaphorical language like pouring out, cup, and boundary lines. Look into how these words are used other places in Scripture. What meaning would David have likely intended for this figurative language? 


Step 3: Seek Out 


Now read other translations, commentaries, or study Bible notes to check your work from Step 2, gain further insight into the passage, and answer any remaining questions you have. 


Step 4: Take Action 


  • What does Psalm 16 teach you about God and following Him? 

  • What is God saying to you as you read His Word and listen to His voice? 

  • What do you need to do to obey? 

Summer In the Psalms