God's Word

Series: Online Experience | Week 1: May 26 Online Experience

Read Psalm 119:97-112 + Matthew 4:1-4 in your personal Bible or at the link provided.


1. What did the psalmist delight in?

2. Why was God’s Word important to the psalmist?

3. How did Jesus respond to temptation?


Psalm 119, the longest chapter in the Bible, is a highly detailed celebration of God’s Word. The psalmist wrote 22 stanzas (sections), one for each letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and within each stanza, every verse begins with the same letter. Almost every line mentions God’s commands, promises, and words – the psalmist desired a deep understanding of everything God said.

When Jesus was tempted by Satan in the desert, He fought back not with physical strength but with God’s Word. We’re guaranteed to face trials and temptations in our lives, and we have the same weapon that Jesus did. What would it look like if we had the same desire for God’s Word as the writer of Psalm 119?

Today, you have access to Scripture in a physical Bible, on your phone, or through audiobooks. If Sunday is the only day you meet with God, you’ll miss out on the depth of intimacy with Him that the psalmist longed for. For the rest of this week, you’ll read about different spiritual rhythms that God’s people have incorporated into their lives. God wants you to know Him, and that requires spending time with Him.


Take inventory of your current routines. How often are you seeking God throughout your days and weeks? Do you prioritize time in God’s Word, prayer, worship, fellowship (community with other believers), or practicing the Sabbath (a day of rest)? Spend some time in prayer thanking God for the access you have to His Word, and ask Him to reveal one change you can make this week to meet with Him more. Think about who you can invite to join you in that step.

Online Experience