
Series: Online Experience | Week 1: May 26 Online Experience

Read 1 Chronicles 16:23-36 in your personal Bible or at the link provided.


1. How did David worship God?

2. What characteristics did he praise God for?

3. How does creation worship God?


The word “worship” often corresponds to music, but praising God comes in many different forms. In this passage, David brought the Ark of the Covenant, God’s special presence in Israel, to the city of Jerusalem. It was cause for great celebration not just with music but with thanksgiving, testifying to what God had done, telling others about Him, giving Him glory, and more.

Worship isn’t limited to the songs we sing on Sunday mornings. Nor is it something to reserve only for the days when we’re feeling happy or grateful. Many people in the Bible praised God during tragedy, pain, and fear. One description of God’s good and faithful character comes in the middle of a book of grief; Lamentations 3:19-24 shows us that worship happens when we remember what God has done in the past, no matter what we currently face.

Whether your heart sings with gladness or drowns in sorrow, bringing your heart before God is still worship. You can praise Him when you enjoy His creation, serve others in His name, raise your hands in song, or quietly thank Him for always being with you.


What comes to mind when you think of worship? How do best connect with God? Is it through music, art, nature, journaling, hospitality, practicing gratitude, or something else? How can you incorporate more worship into your week, and who can you invite to worship with you? Spend some time in prayer thanking God for the many ways He created for us to connect with Him.

Online Experience